The Peachtree Road Race

Spring is springing and that means it’s running season! Actually, every season is running season, but warmer temperatures, more sunlight, the chirping birds and budding trees mean that runners are hitting the road and race calendars are filling up. We feel the renewed excitement for running in the air - we feel the Zeal!

Just a few quick tips to keep in mind as we transition to spring: 

Be Patient:
Many of you will be running more than you did over the winter. Perhaps you will be transitioning from the treadmill or cross training activities to more outside running, or you took a bit of a winter break and you’ll be increasing your overall activity level.

Avoid the urge to do too much, too soon. Increasing volume and intensity too fast can increase your risk of injury. A general rule for increasing mileage is that you should increase by no more than 10% each week. A healthy runner is a consistent runner. A consistent runner is a successful runner. 

Check Your Gear:

This is the perfect time for a little bit of spring cleaning and a gear check. Take a look at your warmer weather gear and make note of what you might need. Be sure to check your shoes. Is it time for a new pair? Generally running shoes should be replaced every 300-500 miles. If the tread is worn down and you did a lot of running in snow / salt over the winter, it’s probably time. 


Whether you are a serial racer or run for fitness it’s important to set goals to stay motivated and hold yourself accountable. Working toward a goal provides a feeling of accomplishment and purpose. Those feelings make it that much easier to lace up and head out the door. 

We have a great GOAL for you! Join the Zeal team LIVE at the Peachtree Road Race in Atlanta, GA on July 4th, 2023! It’s the world’s largest 10K. A fun and achievable race for runners and walkers of ALL levels!

REGISTER FOR THE RACE NOW! Peachtree Road Race registration is open and registrants will receive entry on a first-come, first-serve basis until June 4 or the race reaches capacity.

*The Zeal Team is arranging a discounted rate hotel block steps from the starting line and a pre-race dinner / get together the night before the race. Stay tuned. Hotel / dinner details will be available soon.


We are working hard to get the app into full testing. We have the networking, the logging, voice integration, and geolocations all functional. Now we are working hard on the polishing touches that will make it viable and stable to enter alpha testing. We know you’re ready, and we are too! Stay tuned!




Donna Wrap-up & Looking Ahead