Our July Update is HOT!
App/Technology Update
We shared in our June update that our focus has turned to the user interface and experience. I’m happy to report that the app page views are looking good! Let’s take a look at the default user dashboard that will load when you enter the app:
User Interface Progress
Buttons at the top will provide easy access to our Run With Zeal website
The activities view will show “Upcoming” sessions, with the option to view “Saved” sessions (those which you have notifications turned on for)
Additional Resource buttons will provide links to useful content you may be interested in frequently
Note Coach Betsy is “on the mic” for this session with the mini-player view at the bottom - you can toggle between screens while you’re in a session!
Another thing we are working on is music! In our internal tests we realized quickly that no music was no fun. Music is a beast of a topic and we are going to spare you the details, but….WE NEED YOUR HELP! We are compiling a list of songs to check against our current music licensing setup. Click the button below to add your favorite songs to our list (note: no songs are guaranteed but we will check on everything you add!)
While we’re waiting for the Zeal launch, enjoy our Summer Vibes playlist on Spotify!
Getting Dibs on Donna
Zeal will return to Jacksonville, FL in February 2024 for the Donna Marathon Weekend! We know our community loves this race and we do too. We will utilize the same hotel as last year, which worked so well for us! We are already working to set up the room block and will share the link when it is ready. Don’t worry, we won’t leave you hanging!