June Latest & Greatest
The Latest on the Zeal App
Our Working Zeal - Team Zeal continues to meet twice weekly to work together on our beloved app. With tracking and voice features working, the functional framing is complete and we are focused on the other parts, like music and navigation. It’s sure looking pretty!
The Latest on the Peachtree Road Race
We’re so excited to welcome friends to Atlanta, GA for the Peachtree Road Race 10k on July 4, 2023! Learn all you need to know about the Peachtree Event details in the Participant Info online.
Are you attending? Be sure to RSVP to the event in our Facebook Community to stay in the loop of where we will be and when!
What happens next?
On Friday, June 30th we will open a group chat for attendees who have RSVP’d YES for the Peachtree event. This chat will be to let Zebras know where Team Zeal will be and at what time. We intend to meetup for dinner on Monday, July 3, and of course we will be out and about on race day!
The Latest in our Community
Summer Playlist Rollcall!
We’re collecting smooth summer tunes for a new playlist! Head to the Facebook Community and look for the pinned post to share your favorite summer tune(s) with us and we’ll be sure to include them.