Zealously Grateful!
There are so many things that we have to be grateful for and we want you to know that we are grateful for YOU!
We appreciate your patience as we continue to work towards getting the Run with Zeal app ready to go live. We know that you are antsy and you want us live right now. We get it. We are antsy too!
A slow roasted turkey is the best kind of Thanksgiving meal, right?
We know that good food means slow cooking and we are slowly cooking this app into a product that we can be proud of. Just like that slow-cooked turkey, Zeal is slow cooking and we promise it is going to be yummy.
On this Thanksgiving holiday, we are also grateful for running.
Grateful that we are able to move our bodies and continue this sport we love. We hope you are grateful too cause this sport we love is amazing and it fills our cup in so many ways.
Many of you are racing on Thanksgiving and many others are spending time in your kitchen slow cooking delicious meals for your family. But if you can, we encourage you to lace up and get moving on Thanksgiving. Even if it’s just for 20 or 30 minutes. Lace up and get out the door or on your treadmill and log some time on your feet. Take that time to reflect on this year and everything you have to be grateful for. The good and the bad…because the bad brings more good and without the bad we wouldn’t appreciate the good as much as we do!
Oh and before we go…we also want to mention that we are super grateful that the Donna Marathon route has been announced and the new route has a 2nd loop of the first half of the marathon. You may think UGHHHH but let us tell you, this is a good thing!
The “bad” second half of the original marathon was kinda boring and really lonely. Very little crowd support and more traffic than we’d like for a race so this change is a really good thing. The front half of the marathon course is a BIG celebration with decorations, pretty views, and LOTS and LOTS of crowd support.
Click here to check out the half marathon and NEW marathon route. We know that you will love this course and we can’t wait to see everyone in February!